Tip/Thought of the Day

Consumption of Processed Foods Increased Risk of All-Cause Mortality

In this hectic world, more and more of us are turning to processed foods to feed our families. They are quick, easy and ready to eat whenever we are. The term "processed foods", include anything that has been "cooked, canned, frozen, packaged or changed in nutritional composition with fortifying, preserving or preparing in different way".… Continue reading Consumption of Processed Foods Increased Risk of All-Cause Mortality

Weight Loss

Eating plant protein decreases chances of dying by 13-24%

In a study published in JAMA Internal Medicine, researchers looked at data on 416,104 men and women taken from a U.S. National Institutes of Health–AARP study on diet and health from between 1995 to 2011. They answered questions about their demographic, lifestyle and diet at the start of the study, and were followed-up after 16… Continue reading Eating plant protein decreases chances of dying by 13-24%

Weight Loss

Whole Foods Diet

Diets can feel oppressive and daunting. Just saying the word causes many to cringe and shut down. No one wants to diet. It conjures up convoluted, difficult programs that are a struggle to follow, let alone maintain. That’s why I don’t encourage diets. Instead, I recommend learning ways to eat healthy overall, without calorie counting, so… Continue reading Whole Foods Diet

Weight Loss

Eating Quality Produce Doesn’t Have To Be Expensive

As mentioned in many previous posts, the key to healthy living is exercise, a well-rounded lifestyle, and a quality diet. Quality meaning: few to no processed foods, a focus on a mostly plant-based diet, and being aware of what ingredients may be lurking in seemingly healthy foods. When at a grocery store, its undeniable that… Continue reading Eating Quality Produce Doesn’t Have To Be Expensive

Weight Loss

A Plant-Based Diet Is Critical For Our Health, Including The Planet

As we've discussed in the past, many life-threatening and chronic diseases are linked to poor diets, including obesity, diabetes, osteoarthritis, cardiovascular, malnutrition, stroke, pulmonary and several types of cancer (to be discussed in a later post). Unhealthy diets currently cause more death and disease worldwide than unsafe sex, alcohol, drug and tobacco use combined. For… Continue reading A Plant-Based Diet Is Critical For Our Health, Including The Planet