Weight Loss

Feeling “Hangry”? It Can Happen.

Remember those times you got home late from work and your child was hungry, becoming whiny and more belligerent by the minute? Nothing you said was going to change that behavior. The only answer was food. After eating, they likely became sweet little angels once again. Or, you were starving, but couldn't get away for… Continue reading Feeling “Hangry”? It Can Happen.

Weight Loss

How To Build New Eating Habits

Last week we talked about the physiological reasons why we eat out of habit. Now let's talk about how to change those habits. Most of us are creatures of habit. We buy the same foods from the same grocery store, prepare the same recipes over and over, and live within our own familiar routines. If… Continue reading How To Build New Eating Habits

Weight Loss

14 Reasons People Eat When They’re Not Hungry

We've all experienced hunger pangs- physical weakness, a grumbling stomach, headache and trouble concentrating. Most of us have these symptoms in the morning and close to meal times. But for some people, they occur far more frequently, or throughout the day. This is called polyphagia. Persistent hunger even when you've just finished eating may be due to… Continue reading 14 Reasons People Eat When They’re Not Hungry