image of the American flag, tattered, partially destroyed.
Tip/Thought of the Day

What’s Next?

States are rapidly becoming more and more extreme. Tennessee expelled 2 of 3 Democratic state legislators after they peacefully protested with students for gun laws to prevent further deaths. They did not remove the white woman. Only the two, young black representatives. The AR 15 that killed 5 people in Kentucky and wounded 8 people… Continue reading What’s Next?

Tip/Thought of the Day

What’s Next?

The FDA approved mifepristone in 2000. Since, it has become the most preferred method of abortion for over 50% of women. According to the Library of Medicine,“Used together with a provider's direction, a two-medication regimen successfully terminates a pregnancy within 10 weeks of conception in 99.6% of cases with a .4% risk of major complications.”… Continue reading What’s Next?